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7 Common Financial Mistakes

that could damage your retirement income

There are no public class dates currently scheduled for this class.  This class is available for your group of 8 or more individuals to book privately. Call or email to discuss hosting Jo-Ann as a guest speaker for your group.



"While it may be hard to believe, most pre-retirees and retired clients who work with a financial adviser do not have a written retirement income plan, according to new research from LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute, a research arm of the insurance and financial services industries. The result is reduced retirement confidence and missed business opportunities," Investment News: Click Here to read full article.

Are you focusing on the wrong thing when it comes to your retirement income strategy?  Are you aware of the fees associated with your retirement assets?  Do you know what impact a tax increase could have on your retirement income strategy?


Jo-Ann Holst Advisers invites you to a seminar presentation that will focus on seven common financial mistakes you may be making and the steps you can take today to help you feel confident about your retirement income strategy.

Topics to be discussed:

  • Why a written retirement plan is essential to success

  • Misunderstanding the risk associated with market fluctuation

  • Creating a retirement income strategy that will provide life-long income

  • Leaving assets to your surviving spouse

  • Tax preparing and not tax planning

  • The impact of high and hidden fees on your retirement income

  • How maximizing Social Security claiming strategies can affect your retirement lifestyle

  • How to tell if your financial adviser is right for your current life stage

Why this class?

  • Taught and developed by Certified Financial Planner Jo-Ann Holst

  • Seven years of experience teaching financial education classes and nineteen years industry experience

  • EDUCATION ONLY! No sales pitches, feedback is optional

  • Helpful handouts and worksheets

  • It's complimentary! Why?  Because it's a great way for us to get known in the community as Financial Planners.  Think of it like the best free sample you'll ever get!

Reserve your seat now!

How to register

  • Registration is required to attend

  • Fill out the registration form

    • Your information will be used only for registration purposes and will be kept confidential​

  • Or call 720-287-5880

  • Or email

Space is limited for easier Q & A, please RSVP. Reservations will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis.  Classes usually repeat monthly, check back for more upcoming class dates and topics.  Can't make this class? click below to see other class topics and dates. 

Registration Form

Name(s) *

Email *


Class Date(s)


The information you enter in this form will only be used for reservation purposes and will be kept confidential.  You will not receive any other communications from Jo-Ann Holst Advisers unrelated to your reservation. You will not be subscribed to ongoing emails.


This seminar is designed to provide general information on the subjects covered.  JHA is not permitted to offer, and no statement contained  herein shall constitute tax, or legal advice.  Individuals are encouraged to consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions about their personal situation. 


We are an independent financial services firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of inssurance and investment products to custom suit their needs and objectives.

Lakewood, May 17th 2017

JH Advisers Inc.,

Phone: 720-287-5880


Lakewood address: 550 S. Wadsworth Blvd - Suite 401 Lakewood, CO 80226     

Centennial: 9085  E Mineral Cir Suite 270 Centennial, CO 80112 (Panoramic Falls Building)


​© 2021 by JH Advisers Inc.


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Complimentary consultation available only to qualified candidates possessing a specified minimum of investible assets. Investment Adviser Representative of and investment advisory services offered through Royal Fund Management, LLC a SEC Registered Adviser. Not all investments will be suitable or profitable for a specific client's portfolio. Insurance products may be recommended and fulfilled by FUEL Financial Inc. Investment advice offered through JH Advisers, Inc.  Financial advisers serving the Greater Denver area.

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